Yesterday was Katy's Monthday!! It's hard to believe that she is already one month old, and she is growing so fast. She's not exactly the skinny little bird she was when we brought her home anymore, it's so sad how big she's grown already. When we got home from the hospital she was 7 lbs. 2 oz. and now she's a whopping 8 lbs. 13 oz.!! Ever since she figured the eating thing out, she's been all about it. She has developed a lovely double chin, and chubby cheeks and thighs. We love our little Katy B!!!
Some of her favorite things to do are:
- EAT every 3-4 hours
- Take a warm bath and have her hair washed with shampoo - she also loves to have her head put under the faucet to rinse off the shampoo!
- Scream bloody murder when she's tired and ready to be put down for her nap
- Read stories and stare at the pictures
- Burp as loud as an adult and spit up on her clothes, our clothes, the couch, bed, etc.
- Dance around the living room with her daddy while listening to Jack Johnson radio
- Suck vigorously on her best friend... paci
- Give big kisses to mommy and daddy
- Stare at the blue birdie on her mobile in her swing (she really goes out of her way to do this, she tilts her head so far back to see it, it looks painful)
And here are some of the most recent pictures we've taken: (The fuzzy ones are from Andrew's iphone, but we still think they're cute : )
The above pics were both Monthday pics
Our little family
Katy trying to eat the sheet after I stole her best friend paci
Andrew took both of these on his Iphone trying to make her look as gross and huge as possible by emphasizing her double chin and large cheks. He was pretty successful, she looks about like a blimp!!
"I'm going to eat you!!"
We love our Katy B. and are so excited for all of her grandparents and aunt Emily and Christina to come out next weekend for her blessing!!
she is ADORABLE! Good work, kids! It's crazy how fast they grow up. Gabe turns 1 next month. EIEEEEEE!
WOW thanks for the updates, she is so dang cute, she is gonna be so big when i finally get to see her. well sure love and miss you guys.
WOW what changes have taken place...loud burps, chubby cheeks etc. She is definitely a doll and I am soooooooooo excited to see her again. Love you three. MOM in Spokane
She is just beautiful.
You guys are hilarious... i love the "big" pictures. What a cutie! I just want to kiss those little cheekies!
Holy Cow... you guys are actually blogging... Thank YOU! Well, I have to say that her chub is nothing on and I think he has the best spit up ever on you. ;) WE seriously wanted to pay to have that cleaned. Katy is beautiful and I cannot believe it's been a month. I love the family pic. I can't believe that you guys haven't aged a day. You're still going to be asked if your parents are home. LOL Love you guys.
Katy B. is soooo beautiful! It's only been a month and she already has a personality. And new Andrew can make up songs about her chubby thighs!
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