Monday, May 25, 2009

The Waiting Game

So at this point I'm 40 weeks and 4 days along and no baby girl Larson!! I'm showing absolutely nnnooooo signs of labor and having nnnooo contractions. As you can see, my pregnancy ticker is a little confused as it was at 0 days left, and now it's starting to count up again, but it is one day off. The latest news is that my mommy is here from Chicago (yay) and that this little girl is posterior, head down, but facing the total wrong way unfortunately, which in my opinion is why she hasn't dropped and partly why I'm overdue. I hope and pray they will be able to turn her around or that by some miracle she will turn during labor as posterior babies can potentially cause some problems.
She's just chillin in there, loving up her life. Anyway, I have a doctors appointment first thing tomorrow morning and depending on how dilated I am, they will start a folley catheter on me tomorrow night, I'll stay in the hospital that night, and then first thing Wednesday morning they'll start pumping me full of pitocin to get my uterus to work!! If I'm already pretty dilated tomorrow morning, they'll forgoe the folley catheter Tuesday night and just start inducing Wednesday morning. Anyway, I'm glad to know that there is an end in sight and that end is just two days away! We are sooo excited for this day to finally come and to meet baby girl Larson!!! Here are my last prego pics at 40 weeks, 3 days...


Jesse said...

Good luck, I hope all goes well. We can't wait to see pictures of her. Best of luck!

leah said...

i love the prego picture!
i know it sounds really cliche, but do enjoy your last couple of days. :) and then after she's here, kiss 'er and love 'er till you can't kiss 'er and love 'er any more. :)

good luck!!! i have a feeling she'll be worth the wait. :)

Missy said...

we've been praying every night! the suspense is killing us! baby girl larson is stubborn - does that come from the mommy or daddy's side? i'm guessing andy-rew! love u! tell andrew to keep us all posted via blog or text or tin can with string. we're soooo excited

Stacey said...

We're prayin' for you Lisa!!!! A friend of mine is due any minute too and she put this on her blog today... I thought it was cute....

"Dear Baby, I am hereby issuing a notice of eviction. Please gather your belongings and promptly vacate the premises. You are being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of private property. Expansions only to the front of the property were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded but expansion to the back were also made! Remodeling and gutting of the home were never approved. And due to property damage there are now several leaks in the upper and lower levels of the home. In addition the land lord has received numerous complaints of night time disturbances. Thank you for your cooperation--now get out!

Love Mommy"

Ginny Lubin Butler said...

Stacey's comment is hilarious! That baby needs to pop on out now. You're probably in labor right now--hope it's going well!! And you look awesome.

Asherbie said...

You are so cute prego, girl. I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT (said with my feet and hands up in the air)!!!

Ryan said...

Hey I got your blog address from Jessica. I saw on her face book that you had your baby and I wanted to say Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys and cant wait to see pics.

Elizabeth (Hudson) Holdaway

Elizabeth said...

Sorry I totally didn't realize that I was signed in as my husband..