Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So this past weekend we went to Utah. Unfortunately, and even though I brought my camera on the trip, I didn't take ANY pictures and now I'm really bummed. Anyway, we got to stay with Andrew's brother CJ and his family and on Saturday we went to our neice Ashlyn's dance competition. And let me just say one thing about Ashlyn's dancing....AMAZING!!! She has only been dancing for about three months, and I can't believe how talented she is...she is a natural! Thanks Larsons for letting us stay with you and eat all your food. We had a lot of laughs over the weekend to say the least. While we were there we also got to spend some time with my three brothers as well, which was good (we only see them at most, once a year). It was a wonderful trip...I just didn't expect it to be colder here in NC than it was in Utah!!!

Also, Michelle gave me this blankie for our little girl OVER A MONTH AGO (she is so on the ball!), and I just wanted to post a picture of it and say thank you to Michelle again. The colors on the blanket are similar to the bedding we're using for the crib and Andrew asked me when he saw it, "Did you tell her what our colors were?" He couldn't believe that she didn't know our colors while making this blanket. Anyway, thank you Michelle, it is perfect!!!
The blanket Michelle made:

The crib quilt:

Another belly shot a couple of weeks ago at 26 1/2 weeks:


Jesse said...

You look so great! I miss being pregnant sometimes, especially second trimester and the beginning of third. Your crib quilt is adorable, it is so fun to buy stuff for baby rooms. Good luck, we can't wait to see her.

Stacey said...

Cute blankets... and SO funny that you already seem QUITE.A.BIT. bigger than that picture!
It was fun having you here... and you couldnt have eaten all our food because you bought your own!!!
We miss you already... has Andrew sent the email yet??? ;)

Erin said...

What a beautiful quilt! Michelle is amazing!

You look wonderful!

Asherbie said...

Cute little tummy, girl! Keep up the good work and eat lots. :) Love yer guts.

Kandis said...

great seeing you guys MISS YOU ALREADY! lets get together soon... spokane huh?

River Hopkins said...

OH Lisa, we miss you. I hope everything is going well. So nice that you guys got to enjoy a trip to Utah. Let us know if you ever want to come to Reno or Nor Cal. We MISS YOU!!!

Kristi said...

You are so cute! I can't wait to see baby pictures and be Auntie Kristi to her. : )